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YiWu 2012 autumn

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 25.11.2013 by sypalino, Tea status: [295] A 4404x
YiWu 2012 autumn
YiWu 2012 autumn YiWu 2012 autumn YiWu 2012 autumn
YiWu 2012 autumn YiWu 2012 autumn YiWu 2012 autumn
YiWu 2012 autumn

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 2012 - autumn

Producer: PU-ERH.sk

Shop: PU-ERH.sk


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pressed by stone mold into 250 grams cakes, autumn maocha

Massive sweetishness in the back of the mouth, already like in throat, fruity tones, buttery-biscuit like texture. The exact whereabouts of this tea garden is not known even to my 'buyer' friend in Jinghong

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25.11.2013 14:41:39

Autumn YiWu from PU-ERH.sk

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

All PU-ERH.sk teas I had a chance to taste were very good or almost excellent and this autumn YiWu is no exception.
Dry leave looks very promising; smell very intensively, sweet, fruity. I am placing 5g of tea into the tea pot and rinsing leaves for about 5s. Leaves started to smell after fruity–honey perfume. First brew about 20s. The taste is typical for YiWu teas, sweet, fruity with just a small astringency and bitterness – very pleasant taste. Tea is gradually gaining taste with further infusions and I am enjoying nice aroma of wet leaves from my yixing tea pot.
The tea has very good endurance, I was able to prepare 9 brews and even the last was good enough. It has also very pleasant energy, it worms up body after a cold day. It also has this calming energy.
Even though it is an autumn harvest tea I personally think it’s quite above the average.

yixing tea pot, 100 ml/5g
rinse 5s - 20/10/20/25/30/40/50/60/90

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„I found my early blogging efforts, basically writing down my impressions of the tea I drank every day, to be a worthwhile exercise – it helps me process what I’ve had and what I thought, and once in a while I go back to my own ideas back then and realize how I have developed as a drinker, as well as how a tea may have changed over time. Many of my earlier perceptions are flawed, if not outright wrong, or at least have been modified over time by my experiences since then. Writing about it constantly here helps me work through those thoughts.“

Source Web: MarshalN. A Tea Addict’s Journal: Blogging seriously about tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.marshaln.com/>. [q899] [s95]

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„Pu-erh shape - Melon, or gold melon - Its shape is similar to tuóchá, but larger in size, with a much thicker body decorated with pumpkin-like stripes. This shape was created for the famous "Tribute tea" (貢茶) made expressly for the Qing Dynasty emperors from the best tea leaves of Yiwu Mountain. Larger specimens of this shape are sometimes called "human-head tea" (人頭茶), due in part to its size and shape, and because in the past it was often presented in court in a similar manner to severed heads of enemies or criminals.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q513] [s63]


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