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Theme - 2014

Teas of the year 2014 on WeRateTeat.com


Teas - 2014

2014 Zheng Yan Tieluohan Oolong Tea

2014 Zheng Yan Tieluohan Oolong Tea
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This Zheng Yan tea from Cindy Chen was baked 4 times over charcoal to achieve a medium baking...

2014 Mengsong Ripe Puerh Cake

2014 Mengsong Ripe Puerh Cake
0.0 stars 0 reviews

2014 late spring harvest, Mengsong area, moderate fermentation. Classic Menghai area...

2014 Autumn Mengsong Bamboo Raw Puerh Tea

2014 Autumn Mengsong Bamboo Raw Puerh Tea 500g
4.0 stars 1 review

This tea come from autumn 2014 harvest from Mengsong (Menghai), blend of tea from different...

2014 Chawangpu "Lao Yu" Xiao Bing Cha

2014 Chawangpu
4.5 stars 1 review

Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang minority...

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red Tea

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red Tea
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This tea come from Mengsong area and single mountain and autumn late September harvest. Nowadays...

2014 Červený čaj z Čang-pching ( Zhangping

2014 Červený čaj z Čang-pching ( Zhangping Hong Cha )
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Neobvyklý ale vynikající červený čaj z málo známé oblasti Čang-pching. Jedná se o čaj vyrobený z...

Quotes - 2014

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

Photos - 2014

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

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Chengdu, the capital
Chengdu, the capital
Pu-erh shape - Brick
Chengdu, the capital

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      5 stars  3 stars   1 stars




„Pu'er; 普洱. Also Puerh, Pu - er etc. Pu'er is the modern pinyin spelling. The place name of the Old City of Pu'er through which pack horses transported the tea from Southern Yunnan. The names were recently changed; Pu'er is now Ning Er and nearby Simao has the adopted name of Pu'er. Locally, in spoken Chinese at least, Ning Er is still Pu'er. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q626] [s78]


Chengdu, the capital
The longan (龍眼 lóng
Tea Mountains Map,
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