Our aim with The Essence of Tea is to source and share good tea. We specialise in high quality puerh tea, both aged puerh and young, ancient tree puerh tea. We also specialise in aged Liu Bao tea, handmade Wuyi Yancha and Yixing teapots.
An online tea store located in Texas selling quality tea at reasonable prices. Now carrying zheng yan rock tea. Receive automatic discounts based on quantity of tea purchased. All orders over $40.00 ship free to the US.
Based in U.K we offer a large selection of loose tea's and Ripe & Raw Puerh tea cakes worldwide. Yancha, Dan Cong & Taiwanese Oolongs also available.
The above picture shows our lovely tea farm in Shan-Lin-Shi of Taiwan. The heavily sloped mountain gives the optimal drainage that tea trees love, but adds to the difficulty of harvesting and general management. But when you take a sip of our teas, you will know it is worth all efforts. You may wonder "what does Hou De mean?" Hou is the Chinese word for "thick, plenty of, rich in …" De is the Chinese word for good and proper behaviors. Hou De Tang was...
We are online tea store from Kunming city , Yunnnan province, China. Chawangshop specializes in selling Chinese tea and related tea-wares, all reasonably price.We live by this goal: To provide high quality teas and the products to serve them. And to create a unique tea experience in each store by encouraging a positive, healthy outlook for all who enter.Customers´satisfaction is our number one priority! Thank you for visit our shop
Jing Tea Shop was born in 2004 after Sebastien Leseine, a Frenchman, met Jing Lu, a Chinese lady from Guang Zhou. They spent time together talking and sharing their respective cultures both well knowned for their love of eating and drinking. Sebastien fell in love with the Tea Culture and the lady. A family business was born. "Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage" - Catherine Douzel -
Jsme malá rodinná firma zabývající se dovozem a prodejem čínských a tchajwanských čajů a čajového příslušenství. V naší nabídce najdete pouze čaje autentické (chcete-li pravé) a korektně deklarované, za obé (tedy za pravost i korektní deklaraci) plně ručíme vrácením veškerých nákladů spojených s nákupem čaje, tedy jak jeho ceny, tak i případného poštovného. Drtivá většina čajů v naší nabídce jsou čaje z předepsaného místa, předepsaného kultivaru a tradičním způsobem zpracované. Místo a...
Ve snaze využít absurdit tržní ekonomiky vybíráme kvalitu, protože šmejdu je všude dost. Specializujeme se na čínské i jiné čaje plus náčiní pro jeho správnou a účinnou přípravu. Vybíráme sami podle nejlepších zkušeností a aktuální čajové situace. Tak dobrý poměr cena/výkon těžko najdete jinde.
Internetový obchod OnePointTea.sk dováža tie najkvalitnejšie sezónne čaje s originálnym chuťovým charakterom priamo z čajových záhrad. Čaje balíme výhradne do kvalitných znovuuzatvárateľných ZIP sáčkov po 30g, ktoré považujeme za najideálnejší spôsob balenia čaju na rýchlu spotrebu.
Founded in 2014, Oriarm is a retailer and wholesaler of all kinds of Chinese tea and teaware. We source traditional, handmade teas directly from the growers. Through our own trial and taste, we pick out high-quality tea. All the teaware by craftsman with traditional porcelain or ceramic production technology.
Origin Tea is a small, registered online business based in Taipei, Taiwan. We are straightforward and simple. As tea lovers, we like to focus our efforts and resources where they should be focused - on tea. Our teas are sourced from wholesale distributors, reputable dealers/collectors;and from tea makers who personally select raw leaves from production regions. We do not waste time and money (both ours and hence yours) on things like fancy packaging; fantastic tales and sales...
Pu-erh.sk je web obchod, ktorý ponúka len exkluzívne čaje a keramiku. Každý čaj či konvička sú vyberané dôkladne, s dôrazom na kvalitu a jej pravý pôvod. Všetky čaje a keramika sú dovážané priamo z miesta zberu, alebo spracovania v danej krajine. Týmto je zabezpečená čerstvosť a najlepšia cena. Pu-erh.sk dováža a predáva vybrané gušhu pu-erh čaje z čajových pohorí provincie Yun-Nan. Širšiu ponuku čajov spestrujú zelené čaje dovážané priamo z malej japonskej horskej čajovej...
Welcome to Puerh Shop, your source for authentic Yunnan Pu-erh tea shipped directly from our warehouse in Troy, Michigan, USA. Read about our guarantee here. • We import directly from respected producers in Yunnan and ship to you directly from our warehouse in Troy, Michigan. • By dealing directly with the producers, we are able to keep our prices very reasonable. Shop around and compare! • We buy only from tea factories that are ecologically friendly. • We...
Real Pu-erh Tea Shop — authentic Yunnan Pu-erh. Chinese Tea. Taiwanese tea. We Ship Worldwide.
Jsme malá rodinná firma, jež se specializuje na dovoz pravých čínských čajů. Dlouhodobé popíjení čaje a neuspokojivá nabídka kvalitních čínských čajů v ČR (dle stavu trhu do roku 2010) nás vedla k založení e-shopu. Na českém trhu působíme od roku 2010 a za tu dobu jsme přivezli nespočet zajímavých čajů. Naším cílem je přinášet kvalitní čaje na český trh. Při výběru se řídíme přísnými pravidly a vybíráme jen ty nejkvalitnější čaje. Důkazem nám jsou spokojení zákazníci, kteří se...
We are an online tea shop specialising in Puer tea based in the U.K. Our goal is to share amazing tea experiences with all.
Eugene & Belle launched Tea Urchin to share their love of Chinese tea with the world. Eugene is an Australian who moved to Shanghai in 2004, where he discovered gongfu cha & became obsessed with puer. There he met & married Belle, a feisty Shanghainese tea lover with a penchant for sweet reds & fragrant oolongs. Together, we travel around China, collecting rare, hand crafted teas. We love finding good tea, made by good people, and we help them to find an international market. We...
Our goal is to offer products that provide a noticeable difference in your appearance and well-being. Our customers receive natural products which are made from the highest quality ingredients directly from the producers, we are able to keep our prices very reasonable. Shop around and compare!
Teasenz is an online tea store based in China selling exclusively loose tea and tea accessories.
The White 2 Tea Company was created by passionate puer devotees. We conduct business with a simple philosophy: If we would not drink it, we will not sell it. Our approach to sales is minimalist. No flowery descriptions of flavors. No fairytale stories about monks and tea masters. No bullshit. We provide the tea. The experience is up to you. We are based in China’s capital, Beijing.
Since 2004, we have been in the business of providing Yunnan Pu-erh, Green and Black teas to retail and wholesale customers all over the world! We are committed to being the best and cheapest source for brand name, small label and special production teas from Yunnan Province of China! We work hard to satisfy our customers in every way possible and provide person to person service and communication. Thanks so much for your patronage! - Scott Wilson
„Timing is everything when gathering the flowers. They must be fully open and for this reason they are harvested at midnight, or early in the morning. Then the open flowers are placed with the tea so that the scent of the flower can be absorbed into the tea over the next four hours. After this the flowers are removed. This process is repeated from two to seven times over a month. Then the tea is ready for sale. The grade of the tea is determined by how many scentings the tea has gotten over a month. High grade jasmine tea has had up to seven scentings over the month. Low grade has had two to three scentings.“
01.01.2016 @ 18:14:35 - Eternal Spring:
WeRateTea.com wish you all the best for 2016!...
07.12.2015 @ 09:07:02 - sypalino:
I decided to taste this tea 2 weeks after delivery. The cake is lightly pressed, so...
09.11.2015 @ 21:58:19 - Eternal Spring:
Comparison of 2013 Bada Pu-erh.sk with <a...
09.11.2015 @ 09:34:07 - Eternal Spring:
Lao Yu 2013 is now about 2,5 years old tea and out of this 1,5 year stored in Europe....
09.11.2015 @ 09:33:11 - Eternal Spring:
Comparison of all three Lao Yu is now done :)
15.10.2015 @ 11:06:37 - Eternal Spring:
2015 Chawangpu Collection – I can only tell, that all teas are very good :)
09.10.2015 @ 10:31:19 - Eternal Spring:
It was quite long and difficult tasting to make a decision… There is still quite...
24.01.2015 @ 16:55:57 - Eternal Spring:
WeRateTea.com wish you all the best for 2015!...
30.12.2014 @ 17:19:22 - Eternal Spring:
"FT(For Taiwan)" means this brick was a special order of "Fei Tai" Company. Fei Tai...
13.08.2014 @ 18:24:28 - Eternal Spring:
We compared two teas from Youle. 2005 Jinuo Shan You Le "Red Sun Drum" and 2009...
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