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Theme - Lincang

Lincang (临沧市) - Yunnan’s prefecture producing puerh tea, located north from Xishuangbanna.


Teas - Lincang

2015 White 2 Tea Pin

2015 White 2 Tea Pin
0.0 stars 0 reviews

2015 Pin Raw Puer Tea 200g from White2tea. The Pin is a blend of three years of high quality...

2015 Spring Xiao Hu Sai Old Tree Cake 357g

2015 Spring Xiao Hu Sai Old Tree Cake 357g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This cake is made by friend´s shop in small quantity just 150kg in total. First spring harvest...

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw Organic Small Iron Cake (930)125g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This nice small cake is made from early spring Wuliangshan and Lincang material. Many buds and...

2014 Autumn Di Jie Village Old Tree Maocha

2014 Autumn Di Jie Village Old Tree Maocha 50g
0.0 stars 0 reviews

Di JIe is one of few villages around Bingdao. This maocha come from late September harvest, old...

2012 Mangfei "Da Ye Chun" Early Spring Raw

2012 Mangfei
4.5 stars 1 review

This high quality old tree tea cake come from a small shop in Yongde. Using early spring material...

Quotes - Lincang

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

Photos - Lincang

Tea Mountains Map,
Tea Mountains Map,

Video - Lincang

Unfortunately, we did not find anything.

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Pu'er traditionally
Fresh bud on a tea
Tea Gardens at
The jujube's sweet

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„The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the guide for the dying. It describes the process of dying as the natural transition. The text explains how, by recognizing the mental states and physical sufferings involved, we can come in contact with our own essential nature. In this way it is possible to find freedom from confusion and fear.“

Source Film: The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life: (2 parts)[online]. NHK Creative of Japan, Mistral Film of France, National Film Board of Canada, 1994. Available on WWW: <http://www.uloz.to>. [q90] [s18]


Small inspiration
Camellia sinensis is
Tea plantations in
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