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Dobra Tea Vermont

Dobra Tea Vermont
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The origins of Dobra Tea began in Prague during the last few years of Communism. A group of young tea drinkers began meeting to sample rare Indian, Chinese, and Japanese teas which had been smuggled into Czechoslovakia.The Devoteas of Dobra have traveled the world in search of the best teas, meeting the growers, and experiencing the local markets and culture in areas where tea is an important way of life. Our Menu is very much the result of our travels and some of our Travel Diaries...




„Kukicha (くき茶, stalk tea) - A tea made from stems, stalks, and twigs. Kukicha has a mildly nutty, and slightly creamy sweet flavor.“

Source Web: Japanese green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea>. [q473] [s61]


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