2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 05.10.2015 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [441] A 6502x
2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g
2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g
2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g - Comparison of 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang  - 2015 Chawangpu Bada 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g - Comparison of 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang  - 2015 Chawangpu Bada 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang Xiao Bing Cha 200g - Comparison of 2013 Chawangpu Bada Zhang Lang  - 2015 Chawangpu Bada

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: march 2013

Producer: Cha Wang Shop Exclusive Products

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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Nicely processed and completely manually produced tea from Bada mountains. The tea is coming from Zhang Lang village from two Bulang’s families at the end of March 2013.

  •   Display count: 6502  

Eternal Spring
09.11.2015 16:19:47
Eternal Spring

2013 ChawangPu Bada

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

This tea comes from Zhang Lang village. They are 50-80 old arbour tea trees. The tea is nicely processed and contains a lot of buds.

The brew is sparkish and clear.

Rinsed tea smells after honey and fruits. The taste is herbal and sweet. It slightly recalls Lao Yu 2013 what is also coming from BaDa region.

It is now 2,5 year old tea (spring 2013 – autumn 2015). Comparing to 2015 BaDa ChawangPu, the colour of brew is a little darker. There is not a big difference in the taste comparing with BaDa 2015 as well. They are both coming out quite close in tester, just taste of BaDa 2013 is more like caramel.

I bought two cakes in spring 2015 for $16, now it is gone.

 Comparison of  2013 Bada Pu-erh.sk - 2013 ChawangPu BaDa Zhang Lang -  2015 ChawangPu BaDa Old Trees

Comparison of 2013 Bada Pu-erh.sk with 2013/2015 Chawangpu Bada is basically not possible. The tea from Pu-erh.sk is completely different. 2013 Bada Pu-erh.sk is Gu Shu material - wild tea treas and those trees are a lot older. First infusions of “Slovak” Bada are quite bitter. Is is kind of “woody” bitterness of wild leaves. Sweetness is coming later in further steepings. After comparison of all three Bada teas in testers, it’s difficult to talk about bitterness in ChawanPu Badas. Of course, bitterness is there, but significantly milder. 2013 BaDa Pu-erh.sk is a great tea. The price is also on a different level €49,80 for 250g cake (10/2015). I bought this tea in January sale for €29. Long live sales!

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„tong feng; 通风 - air-flow. Puer should be stored somewhere where there is a little air movement - it doesn't need to be much. Even if it is quite humid, the airflow will guard against tea developing mould. However, care should be taken that tea is not stored in a draft which will dry the tea tea out.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q638] [s78]

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„Kamairicha (窯煎茶, pan-fired tea) - Kamairicha is a pan-fired green tea that does not undergo the usual steam treatments of Japanese tea and does not have the characteristic bitter taste of most Japanese tea.“

Source Web: Japanese green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_tea>. [q472] [s61]


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