2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 05.10.2015 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [431] A 2407x
2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g
2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g
2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g
2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g
2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g 2005 (2015) Chawangpu Bulang Shan Old Tree Xiao Bing 200g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: Spring 2005

Date of production: pressed April 2015

Producer: Cha Wang Shop Exclusive Products

Shop: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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This tea was found in friend´s warehouse in Menghai where was stored since 2005. Clean but tropical storage change the taste very nice. Large strong leaves with fat buds.

Smooth, sweet aged woody and ripe fruit taste, slightly very comfortable bitterness, fast huigan.

Production date : harvest Spring 2005, pressed 2015/4
Harvest Area : Bulang mountain, Menghai
Weight : 200g per cake, 5 cakes in bamboo tong (1kg)

  •   Display count: 2407  

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Nèi fēi (内飞 or 內飛): A small ticket originally stuck on the tea cake but now usually embedded into the cake during pressing. It is usually used as proof, or a possible sign, to the authenticity of the tea. Some higher end pu'er cakes have more than one nèi fēi embedded in the cake. The ticket usually indicates the tea factory and brand.“

Source Web: Pu-erh tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu-erh_tea>. [q848] [s62]

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„da shu; 大树 - 大,da -big,old. 树, shu- tree. Big/old tree. A term used to refer to trees that could be anything from say 30 old years to 70 yrs old. Many different places have their own approach, so there appears to be no fixed definition of what qualifies as da shu. See Gu shu. “

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