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Lao Banzhang 2013

5.0 stars  5.0  1 review  Added 21.06.2013 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [213] A 5339x
Lao Banzhang 2013
Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013
Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013
Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013
Lao Banzhang 2013 Lao Banzhang 2013

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 2013

Shop: PU-ERH.sk


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Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you find most likely a fake. Is it that good, is it worth it, try it and you make your own opinion. A few people that tried this one said it's the best pu they had.
Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €9

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Eternal Spring
25.06.2013 18:17:34
Eternal Spring

Lao Banzhang 2013

5 stars 5.0 This review helped: 0 / 0

Intense aroma of wet leaves. Surprisingly yellow infusion. The taste is mellow, bolt, sweet after honey with a slight bitterness in the end. The tea has a very long and sweet finish. Hui Gan is very fast and intense. You can feel slight touch of the tea energy even after the first cup. The second cup hits you with full force of cha chi. It is very simulative tea. You can prepare many infusions. I give the highest rating, despite a high price of the sample - 7 grams for €9. It was very nice experience.

Water 95°C - rinse - 20s/5/10/15/20/25/30…

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„When examining maocha, the colour of gu shu leaves tend to be more highly contrasted with a bright white hairy bud/tip surrounded by a grey, open leaf wrapper, with dark black stem & leaves. By comparison, tai di cha is almost all black, due to the use of fertilizer, the leaves grow quickly and the buds have less white hairs.“

Source Web: The Tea Urchin. Learning how to identify gu shu & make maocha[online]. 2011. Available on WWW: <http://teaurchin.blogspot.cz/2011/09/learning-how-to-identify-gu-shu-make.html>. [q934] [s107]

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„Yunnan Tea Company standardized the trade number for Pu Erh Tea in 1976 for the purpose of export. Each bingcha has 4 digits: the first 2 digits indicate the manufacturing year, the third digit indicates the leaf grade, the last digit indicates the tea factory (e.g. Kun-Ming 1, Meng-Hai 2, Xia-Guan 3, Pu Erh 4). The loose-leaf tea has 5 digits with the third and fourth indicating the class level of raw materials. Examples of early trade numbers for Puerh Tea are 7452, 7562, 7572, 75671, 76563.“

Source Web: Pu-erh.Net. Puerh History: Noteworthy Facts[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.pu-erh.net/sections.php?Choice=Puerh_History>. [q741] [s82]


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