2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 22.04.2014 by sypalino, Tea status: [350] A 5047x
2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai
2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai 2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai 2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Producer: CNNP

Shop: White 2 Tea

White 2 Tea

Tags: , ,


This tea most closely resembles CNNP 7532, but we are labeling it as tiepai [pasted brand] because it is too difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of the cake and we do not want to misrepresent it. Stored in Guangdong province, this tea has a slight humidity to it, but the cakes and tea are very clean. Some cakes have a neifei [inner ticket] buried in the middle of the cake, some are on the surface, and one cake we opened did not have a neifei.

  •   Display count: 5047  

22.04.2014 10:52:54

2000 CNNP 7532 Tiepai

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

The tea was stored in a humid environment, dry leaf smells quite earthy. Individual brews are beautifully clear, color is orange to deep red, the flavor is beautifully nutty with a hint of earthiness, it slightly tickle in my throat. The tea has a very relaxing cha-qi and great stamina.
Excellent tea for, I'd say, a fair price.

5g/110 ml yixing

flush - 10s/15/10/15/20/25/25/30/40/50/60

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„gan cang; 干藏 - dry storage. Referring to tea storage that tends to be dry rather than excessively humid. Storing raw Puer in an excessively dry climate will have a harmful effect on the tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q606] [s78]

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„I had heard from other puer buyers that Ma Hei farmers now use pesticide & fertilizer to boost yields. But as we stood there critiquing this batch of Ma Hei tea, a large, multi coloured beetle crawled out of the leaf pile. “We call this guy the tea boss” Mr. Gao explained. “If he’s around, it’s a good sign!”“

Source Web: The Tea Urchin. Learning how to identify gu shu & make maocha[online]. 2011. Available on WWW: <http://teaurchin.blogspot.cz/2011/09/learning-how-to-identify-gu-shu-make.html>. [q935] [s107]


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