Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

4.0 stars  4.0  1 review  Added 29.05.2013 by petroff, Tea status: [201] A 5652x
Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004 Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 2004

Producer: CNNP


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Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The tea was stored in Taiwan, lately in Guangzhou province in China. I recomend to try it, the whole bing cha's will be in stock later. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €1.00

  •   Display count: 5652  

05.06.2013 15:57:17

9 years old YiWu

5 stars 4.0 This review helped: 0 / 0

Leaves are smaller and broken. I do not know if this is just in case of sample. Wet leaves smell very nice - it's full, rich, fruity fragrance. The taste is mellow, rich, balanced, fruity and sweet. The infusion leaves a sweet aftertaste in the mouth, huigan is fast. Tea is pleasantly stimulating. It creates light cooling effect in the mouth. You're drinking hot tea, and yet you feel "draft" in the mouth :-) Good tea, we'll see how much it will cost a whole cake.

Water 100 °C - wash 10s - 20s / 10s/15/20/30/40/50 ...

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Brick Tea was mainly produced in the Si-Chuang province prior to 1949. It is now also available in other provinces as well.“

Source Web: Pu-erh.Net. Puerh History: Noteworthy Facts[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q746] [s82]

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„Yu Shui Cha; 雨水茶. Literally Rain water tea. Summer Tea. Less prized than Spring Tea or Autumn Tea. The flavour is usually less fulsome than Spring tea. Also, it is often oven-dried (hong qing; 烘青) as it is harvested in the rainy season.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q641] [s78]


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