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2000 Shu Pu 7262

4.5 stars  4.5  1 review  Added 10.03.2014 by Eternal Spring, Tea status: [336] A 5322x
2000 Shu Pu 7262
2000 Shu Pu 7262 2000 Shu Pu 7262 2000 Shu Pu 7262
2000 Shu Pu 7262 2000 Shu Pu 7262 2000 Shu Pu 7262
2000 Shu Pu 7262

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Producer: Menghai Tea Factory

Shop: PU-ERH.sk


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Factory - „tailor-made” private production “Zhong Cha Gong Si” in Dayi (Menghai tea factory)
Taste - After 12 years the taste is smooth and fine, its rich body has still a great potential to develop its character.
Storage - Most of time stored in taiwan’s mountainous district where the enviroment is clean. Material
7262 is a recipe from year 1972, used in Dayi (Menghai tea factory), uses grades of maochas from grade 2 to grade 6. The outcome tea soup is thick and smooth

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Eternal Spring
24.03.2014 11:02:27
Eternal Spring

Luxury Shu Pu 7262

5 stars 4.5 This review helped: 0 / 0

It is a spring rainy weather, what lasts already for two day and now it started to snow. So I reach for the rest of the sample of Shu pu-erh from 2000 what fits well with such weather and mood. This is a classic recipe of Meghai Tea Factory alias Dayi from 1972. These are the first two numbers of the recipe. Figure 6 indicates the grade of leaves and number two at the end of the recipe is Menghai TF. The first two drinks were excellent, so the third time ...

Earthy - wood - nutty, this is the smell of rinsed leaves. It's full, smooth fragrance with fruity overtones. The brew is sweet. There is no sign of earthiness or woody tones in the first infusion. It has a sweet aftertaste.

The second infusion is already very dark, with a subtle woody flavors. Very sweet, fruity. There is a certain trace of earthiness in the aftertaste.

The tea has a very thick consistency. Tea nicely caresses and slips into the stomach.

Fruity flavor fades away around the 6th infusion and woody flavor begins to dominate.

Pleasant, very refined, very clean and also very luxury drink. The price is higher - €73 for 357g.

3g per 80ml - rinse - 10s/5/7/10/15/20/30/40

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„In the Western market, tea drinkers often end up buying a few pots in the beginning that don’t quite “fit.”
Maybe the size is wrong, the clay is poor, or is simply not a match to any of our desired teas. Perhaps the shape and craftsmanship are just not pleasing to us.
Owning bad teapots, experienced collectors will remind you, is “tuition” that helps you start to recognize better teapots from the others.“

Source Web: Wrong Fu Cha. Silver Lining[online]. 2011. Available on WWW: <http://chahai.net/>. [q740] [s81]

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„The terms "Xiao shu" (small tree) and "tai di" (terrace plantation) are often interchangeably used, but they should be given separate meanings. "Tai di" connotes high intensity farming, with the entire slope cleared & terraced to plant hedgerows & use of pesticide & fertilizer. But in many gu shu growing villages, there are also new tea plantations which are too young to be called gu shu (ie. less than 100 years old), but they aren't exactly "tai di" either. Many of these plants are growing next to old trees, in a bio-diverse forest clearing, with lots of space around them, not all are sprayed & fertilized. In the future, they will grow into "gu shu", until then we should call them "shen tai xiao shu" (naturally grown small trees)“

Source Web: The Tea Urchin. Learning how to identify gu shu & make maocha[online]. 2011. Available on WWW: <http://teaurchin.blogspot.cz/2011/09/learning-how-to-identify-gu-shu-make.html>. [q936] [s107]


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