2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 reviews  Added 17.11.2019 by Reapuerh, Tea status: [507] A 1908x
2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g
2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g 2007 Zhong Cha "Fu Lu Shou Xi" Raw Pu-erh Tea Square Brick 100g

Category: Pu-erh

Country: China

Province: Yunnan

Harvest: 2007

Producer: CNNP

Shop: Real Pu-erh Tea Shop

Real Pu-erh Tea Shop

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Fu Lu Shou Xi (福禄寿喜) - Fortune, Wealth, Longevity and Happiness

  •   Display count: 1908  

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Quotes - Pu-erh

„Tea that is picked in the summer, often referred to as Yu Shui Cha, is not of high quality. In the rainy season, levels of sunshine are comparatively low so it is often not possible to sun dry tea so a wood stove is used to dry it. This can produce a smokey aroma and flavour. With time it will abate, but not considerably, so any smokey tea that one has not witnessed being made is probably best put to one side.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. How to Identify Good Puerh Tea[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com>. [q763] [s84]

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„ku se; 苦涩 - Bitter and astringent. The nature of new raw Puer is a little astringent and bitter, followed by a sweet aftertaste. However, a bitterness with no sweet aftertaste is not typical of Puer and an astringency which is not comfortable would not be considered good tea. “

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q619] [s78]


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