Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012

3.0 stars  3.0  1 review  Added 15.02.2013 by Ondřej, Tea status: [139] A 6502x
Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel  2nd Flush 2012
Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel  2nd Flush 2012 Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel  2nd Flush 2012

Category: Red tea

Country: India

Province: Darjeeling

Harvest: 2nd Flush 2012

Producer: Dooteriah Tea Estate




rich, slightly 'barrique' taste of oak barrels as in wine, balanced bitterness, smooth and strong finish, for the shorter steeping it gives many rich infusions, after second brew the aftertaste is pleasantly ‘smacking’, sorry for the term, but it rarely happens to me, that after black teas has a tut for a while and enjoy its aftertaste

  •   Display count: 6502  

Eternal Spring
18.03.2013 16:17:12
Eternal Spring

Dooteriah or Sourenee?

5 stars 3.0 This review helped: 0 / 0

Wet leaves smell distinctly fruity. Aroma reminiscent an apricot jam. The infusion is lighter in color. It leaves a nice dry bitterness in the mouth. I prefer shorter and more frequent steeping. The third infusion is getting more emptier, plain. I bought both Dooteriah as well as Sourenee Darjeeling. I must say I like more Soureneed, has a pronounced spicier taste in more infusions.

100°C, 20s/10s/20s/30s

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Quotes - Red tea

„hong; 红 - red. In China, what is called black tea in the English speaking world, is called red. Cooked Puer is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a black tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q610] [s78]

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„hou fajiao; 后发酵 - Post-fermented. 后hou - behind, after. 发; fa - has many meanings; to develop, expand, bring into existences, start; rise or expand when fermented. 酵 jiao - fermented. Together 发酵 means to ferment. Confusion often arises as the term fajiao is used to refer to both processes of fermentation and oxidation. The more specific term yang hua - 氧化 refers specifically to oxidation.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <>. [q614] [s78]


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