Darjeeling, Tea Gardens, Paschim Banga (West Bengal), India

Source Video: Darjeeling, Tea Gardens, Paschim Banga (West Bengal), India[online]. YouTube, 2011. Available on WWW: <http://youtu.be/nODHi3TjPms>. [q319] [s55]

Teas - Red tea

Darjeeling Jungpana Wonder Delight Second

Darjeeling Jungpana Wonder Delight Second Flush 2013
2.5 stars 1 review

Beautifully prepared whole leaf tea cultivar Pb312. Very rare tea from this garden,...

2013 Chawangpu Xiao Jin Bing Red Tea 100g

2013 Chawangpu Xiao Jin Bing Red Tea 100g
4.0 stars 1 review

This small red tea cake is made from 2012 spring harvest Simao high mountain material....

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red Tea
0.0 stars 0 reviews

This tea come from Mengsong area and single mountain and autumn late September harvest....

Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013

Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013
4.5 stars 2 reviews

Excellent tea from a single garden in Sikkim, spread around the village of Temi, in...

Sourenee SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush

Sourenee SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012 Organic
4.0 stars 1 review

ripe, sweet fruit, distinct darjeeling tones, wild honey, enjoyable aftertaste of...

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha
4.2 stars 2 reviews

This tea is collected from ancient, wild trees on Wuliang mountain. These are truely...

Quotes - Red tea

„hong; 红 - red. In China, what is called black tea in the English speaking world, is called red. Cooked Puer is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a black tea.“

Source Web: Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Puer Tea Glossary[online]. Available on WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com/>. [q610] [s78]


2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams
4.5 stars 1 review

This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe...

2013 Spring Hekai Gu Shu Mao Cha

2013 Spring Hekai Gu Shu Mao Cha
4.5 stars 1 review

The mao cha were picked on the same day from the same tea garden. Light yellow liquor with rich scents of...

2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake

2005 Nannuoshan TF Menghai Raw Puerh Cake 357g
2.5 stars 1 review

This is a classic Menghai spring blended cake from Nannuoshan Tea Factory which was renamed as Menghai...



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Factories are
Jasminum officinale,
Camellia sinensis
Women picking tea

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„The Tibetan Book of the Dead describes the collapse of the body’s constituent elements. Earth collapses in to the water, water collapses in to the fire, fire collapses in to the air and air dissolves into consciousness. Then there is an experience of piercing luminosity. Pure white light, a clear radiance that rises from the direct experience of once own basic nature. “

Source Film: The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life: (2 parts)[online]. NHK Creative of Japan, Mistral Film of France, National Film Board of Canada, 1994. Available on WWW: <http://www.uloz.to>. [q98] [s18]
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