How to register – help

 1 comment , last post: 03.04.2013 @ 10:54:46

This is step by step description of registration on After registration you can create your own collection of teas you are drinking, rate all teas, add teas to your favourite, comment all posts and join the discussion forum.

03.04.2013 10:54:46

You can register by clicking on the link Register on the right top corner of the page.


Please fill in your e-mail address to what we will send you the link for activation to finish the registration.

A nick name can contain any characters including blanks.

The password has to contain minimally 5 characters.

Please re-type the text from the picture. If the text is not readable, click on the link under the picture to generate a new text.

Finally click on the button Register.



Now you can Log on with your e-mail and password.


By clicking on the link My profile you can add an icon to your profile. You can also manage your teas, ratings, favourite teas in this section.



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Pu'er traditionally
Factories are
This green hill
A press. In the past

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„龙井 Longjing - Maybe the most well-known green tea in China. It originates in Hangzhou (杭州), the capital of Zhejiang Province. Longjing in Chinese literally means dragon well. It is pan-fried and has a distinctive flat appearance. The tasteless frying oil is obtained from tea seeds and other plants. Falsification of Longjing is very common, and most of the tea on the market is in fact produced in Sichuan Province and hence not authentic Longjing.“

Source Web: Chinese green tea[online]. Wikipedia. Available on WWW: <>. [q464] [s60]


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