The Tibetan Book of the Dead

„This world seems stable and solid, but nothing here is permanent. But like water snow and ice, life is always shifting changing form.“

Source Film: The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life: (2 parts)[online]. NHK Creative of Japan, Mistral Film of France, National Film Board of Canada, 1994. Available on WWW: <>. [q99] [s18]




Tea Gardens at
Jasminum officinale,
Pu-erh shape - Brick
Tamil woman working


JungJak 2014 ECO Korea

JungJak 2014 ECO Korea
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Korean green tea picked in the spring of 2014 in Hadong district, Jiri mountains. Grown and produced by an...

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha
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Sikkim Temi FTGFOP-1 Second Flush 2013

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